Sign 6: Jesus Healing the Blind Man

In this message we continue our series through the Seven Signs in John's gospel, focusing on the miraculous healing of a man blind from birth. Jesus proves Himself 100% good, safe, and easy to trust. It's good being in His presence to encounter Him!

Sign 5: Jesus Walking on Water

In this message, we see Jesus walk on the water. It truly was a miracle. But it showed something else: Jesus had authority over creation itself. The Creator remains the creator, and even re-creator, of all that He has made!

Life Change. The God we serve is a God of mercy, and this past Sunday is one of our church's favorites each year: The Hoving Home joined us to share testimonies of God's power, love and restoration. The testimony of Jesus moving in our lives is one of our most valued possessions. When we share that testimony, we proclaim His victory in us.

We celebrate our independence as a nation on the Fourth of July. But we also celebrate our dependence on Jesus! It's a comforting decision to acknowledge we serve Him. In the Scripture this week, we look at one of the great moments in Jesus's ministry: when He heals a disabled man of 38 years. His Word that healed that man is His Word that transforms lives still today.

Ryan Healey's Memorial Service

We honor the life of Ryan Healey, the bold relationship he has with Jesus, and his present and future reality of always being with Christ. While we recognize our emotions of loss, we also celebrate Ryan's greatest victory. He lives on at the side of the Father!

God is Good (Ryan Healey)

In the Kingdom of Heaven, every single day is a day of celebration. Even on those days we mourn life's circumstances, we recognize that Jesus navigated the troubles of this world in an extreme way so that at the end of life, we could celebrate for all of eternity. Sunday, we celebrate the Fourth of July. But we also mourn the passing of a dear brother in the faith, 19-year old Ryan Healey. Join us as we process and walk through the difficulty of understanding and accepting God's answering of our prayers. We'll stand on the truths that God is good, and Jesus always wins.

This Sunday we jump back into the miracles of Jesus! Two people couldn't hang out in more different social circles than a Jewish itinerant rabbi and a senior Roman government official. And yet... God had an encounter to be made!

Pivot Ministries joins us each year to share their choir with us and let us know how God is moving in this area. This is a ministry that helps men receive healing from addiction and encounter Jesus for life transformation.

Sign 1: Turning Water into Wine

We are on the pursuit of miracles! And we have been set up to succeed: Jesus is the miracle-maker, loves us fiercely and has hand-delivered the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. So the realities of Heaven (healing) and with us here today! In this message, we look at the first of the seven miracles in the Gospel of John: Jesus turns plain old water into fine wine!

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