The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity. It's easy to think of Him as the force in Star Wars - a hovering presence of strength. But He's so much more! His dwelling place is humanity - God sent Him to live in believers. And this changes everything!


Generosity abounds from a heart that's right with God. In Exodus, an encounter with God was within reach. God didn't command the people to give; they gave out of one man's encounter with Him and wanted more.


While dedicating ourselves to having a culture of honor, we must award the benefit of the doubt without merit. Doing so provides a platform for revival and seeing others the way God intends us to see them.


Does Absolute Truth really exist? And if it does, can some truths still be variable? In this message we look at these questions and how our perceptions of truth change over time. The value of Truth at SPW is a non-negotiable.


We want our prayer lives to carry Expectancy. Faith in Jesus for salvation is a beautiful thing. But that same faith in Jesus affords us the confidence of faith in Jesus for power and answer to our prayers.


These are the values of our church. The 'book' on Engagement has two different chapters: the first is called 'My Benefit', and the second is called 'Someone Else's Benefit'.

Our Vision is Up, In, & Out

In the second message on Vision, Pastor Brad shares about living in relationship with God (Up), the church (In), and those outside the faith (Out). This takes planning, focus, and effort, but it's all worth it.

Our Purpose is to Encounter God

How does a person know if a picture is good? If he looks good in it! We are committed to being an inclusive church that is committed to walking with Jesus. This is more of a 'family talk' than a true sermon. In this message, Pastor Brad lays out a broad level view of the vision for SPW going forward. We are serious about the Great Commission and we are designed to uniquely pursue the fulfillment of that vision.

We love keeping our options open. Our beliefs included. In fact, it's not uncommon to hear someone in the church say, "It doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you're sincere." But again, God never said that. And He cares so much about what we commit to believing.

It Doesn't Matter What You Do

We're not always in the mood to weigh God's Word with what we're feeling like doing. It's easy to dismiss sin with a common expression: It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you don't hurt anyone. But to God, what we do really does matter. And He wants it to matter to us as well.

