The Father: A Legacy Blessing

The influence of a father on a son or daughter is significant. In this message we look at both Joseph (Jesus's father) and Zechariah (John the Baptist's father). The spiritual formation both imprinted on their sons was intentional, disciplined, and impactful. It's important for parents to speak blessings over their children and encourage them to be who God is calling them to become.

The Mother: Trust During the Journey

One of the most humble people in the Bible was chosen for an incredible role. Mary said yes to the Lord at a young age and recognized that her life was a journey that should be walked with God. She accepted her role, held it in perspective, and maintained strong trust in a really big God.

The Angel: Role of a Lifetime

Have you ever felt the Lord give you an assignment that almost seemed too big? In this message, we look at the angel Gabriel and see him in his biggest moment as he would share some incredible news with a young teenager named Mary. God equipped him for that role. And He equips us today, even when it seems like we're in over our heads.

Bishop Jacob Marineni joined us from India to share what Jesus has been doing through his mission, the Gospel for Tribal Social Service Society. SPW has been a longtime supporter of Bishop Jacob, and the fruit of his ministry has been remarkable. One humble man who submits to Christ can be a mighty powerful influence on a nation.

The culmination of this series on Heaven focuses on the Heavenly war room upon the destruction of evil. Heaven cheers intensely as God's judgments are released and ultimate freedom is given to His people. The greatest party of all time is about to begin!

In the midst of the intense worship of God, all of Heaven is greatly anticipating the moment when the Lord stirs. A day is coming when Jesus will return. In this message, we look at the moment in Heaven that will kick this great event into motion.

Heaven is centered on the act of worship. And get this: no one is bored. In fact, no one is checking the clock or concerned about their stomachs growling. The reason is because God is so fascinating and worthy to be worshipped with everything we have. This week we look at the worship scene going on in Heaven right now from Revelation 4.

The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity. It's easy to think of Him as the force in Star Wars - a hovering presence of strength. But He's so much more! His dwelling place is humanity - God sent Him to live in believers. And this changes everything!


Generosity abounds from a heart that's right with God. In Exodus, an encounter with God was within reach. God didn't command the people to give; they gave out of one man's encounter with Him and wanted more.


While dedicating ourselves to having a culture of honor, we must award the benefit of the doubt without merit. Doing so provides a platform for revival and seeing others the way God intends us to see them.

