What should we be thinking about when we're praying to God? That's the question we discuss as we learn how to have confidence in God's character, His will, and in our communication with Him. We were meant to pray boldly, with certainty, that the Lord hears and answers our prayers.

Your prayers are meant to have significant changes on the world around you. When we make an appointment with God each day, He treasures every moment of those meetings. And a consistency of time with God forms our mind like His, and our prayers become the words of the execution of His will.

Prayer is a limitless potential. If you've ever felt unqualified to ask God for something, then this message is a reminder to you that His love is limitless as well. In this new series, we look at the destiny our prayer life was made to have. Our prayers can - and shall - change the world!

Pivot Ministries

This Sunday morning was filled with the joy of the Lord as Pivot Ministries shared the life-change and redemption that these students have experienced in Jesus. Pivot joined us and brought songs by the choir, testimonies, and heartfelt love for Jesus. When someone has lost everything, he still hasn't lost Jesus. And Jesus is more than enough.

Easter: Overturned

Easter is the GREATEST DAY of the year! We celebrate the victory of Jesus over sin, death, and the devil. In this message, we see how our sentence has been OVERTURNED by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus as King, II

In this Palm Sunday message we study Mark's account of the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem, observing the religious culture, and taking action against it. One thing that is constant is that Jesus acts, speaks, and thinks like a King.

Jesus as Priest

One significant role that Jesus serves is the role of High Priest. In this message, we look at multiple passages in the book of Hebrews and see that Jesus did what no one else could. He made a one-time sacrifice that would set us free forever and stamp us with a new identity.

Jesus as Prophet

Guest preacher Adam Woldt continues our series on Jesus by looking at Him in His role of Prophet. The Word of God became flesh and made its dwelling among us.

Jesus as Judge

In this message, we look at the reality of Jesus as a Judge. He might be biased in our favor, but His ruling is one of unwavering justice, love, and wisdom. It's important we understand this aspect of His identity and see it as good news for believers everywhere.

Jesus as King

Life on earth is a collision between two kingdoms: one of earth and one of Heaven. Jesus reigns as King of Heaven, and He's given to us everything we need to experience Heaven on earth. In this message, we look at the role of Jesus as eternal King.

