Christmas Eve Service

Christmas is one the grandest days of the year. With feasting, family and friends, music and movies, and great cheer also comes giving gifts. In this Christmas Eve message we consider the greatest gift ever given, as well as the intentions behind that gift!

Christmas Dinner

In this message of our Advent series, Pastor Gary Danielsen shares about Christmas Dinner. Christmas is a time for feasting and fellowship, and yet a foretaste of a greater feast to come!

Christmas Songs

Who doesn't love Christmas music?! For a genre of music that remains forever timeless, it's a blessing to have Christ-centered Christmas music. In this message we look at the first Christmas song ever sung and get reminded that the greatest aspect of Christmas is Christ.

Christmas Cheer

We have entered one of the cheeriest seasons of the year. Do you ever wonder why people carry so much joy leading up to Christmas? One significant reason is because worship affects the Lord's presence in the atmosphere. In this message we look at how we might share intentional Christmas Cheer with others.

In this brief message, Bishop Jacob shares a report of the what the Lord is doing in India through his ministry. GTSSS has seen over 8,000 baptisms in 2019 and seen the gospel bring good news of hope and deliverance. Despite the Lord's powerful movement, the challenges are real.

A Friendship That Changes the World

Have you ever longed for a true best friend? A person that propels you upward toward the Lord and desires your very best? David & Jonathon's friendship is a model for the devotion to bringing out the Lord's purposes in a relationship. This is a shortened message that was split with Bishop Jacob.

Saul's Cancer: Jealousy

One of the nastiest ailments known to man is the cancer known as Jealousy. It eats us up on the inside and can destroy a person. In this message, we see how Saul was destroyed by his jealousy of another, and we consider that ramifications in our own lives if we allow our thoughts to dwell on another.

Saul's Fall: Taking the Wrong Initiative

How many parents have ever said, "I'll just do it myself!"?! While perhaps not our finest moments, it was one of King Saul's worst moments. When he ran out of patience for the Lord's word to be confirmed, he acted in the place of the prophet Samuel, and it cost him dearly. We are designed to wait on the Lord and trust Him in obedience.

A People in Search of a Hero

In this message on 1 Samuel, we look at the moment Israel demands a King. Often times the root causes of our demands are Control and Fitting In. But the Lord has also given us a spiritual need to Surrender.

The Rise of a Prophet

In this first message in the 1 Samuel series, we look at the rise of a young boy who is brought into the world on a promise, raised in a most dysfunctional family, and yet is destined to become a man wholly dedicated to the Lord. And even 1000 years before Christ, we see prophecy of Jesus!

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