In this message we are assured that our past mistakes do not define us or limit us in the eyes of Christ. No matter how holy, or unholy, our personal history is, we all have a need for the forgiveness of Jesus.

Have you ever wondered about texts in the Old Testament that seem to be all about Jesus? They can feel a bit tricky to understand: are they for the time of Jesus's earthly ministry or are they for the End Times? In this message we focus in on one of those prophecies, and we consider it as a trial case for reading Old Testament prophecies that point to Jesus.

This Father's Day message is an encouragement for fathers as they lead and nurture their children of all ages. We look at the way God the Father called Jeremiah and glean from that example three critical purposes a father has in his own home.

In this message we take a look at the Biblical precedent for tithing. What's the Law say about it? And what does it say about one's heart? For many years God's people have obeyed the Lord with their wealth and seen incredible prosperity come from it.

[Not] Running the Race [Card]

Racism in America feels so spiked recently. But racism's origin dates back long before our nation was created. In this message, we look at what we can do specifically to end racism and see unity and love win the day. The church is truly the hope of this world!

On Pentecost Sunday, SPW 'reopened' its doors to restart our public worship gatherings after the coronavirus shutdowns. Pentecost is the day the Christian church was founded and the day that the followers of Jesus received the Holy Spirit. In this message, Pastor Brad shares several ignition sparks that Pentecost provides for us today.

Humanity is created with a longing to understand the heart and mind of God. But we quickly find ourselves hung up on mysteries and 'unsolvable' puzzles that can create frustration, doubt and even at times unbelief. In this message we look at the prophet Habakkuk who asks God directly about these issues, and we see the Lord's response. We can be assured that the Lord is for us and has a greater purpose to all His actions.

It's so wild it's almost... unbelievable! But the story of Jonah is more than just an epic Veggie Tales movie. It's the true story of a man who was given an important mission and chose to run the other way. In this message we look through the story of Jonah and realize that sometimes our lowest points are our launch pads to new heights.

In a time of so many 'doom & gloom' reports turning in this world and our nation, it is the Church of Jesus Christ that should be the loudest voice of hope and renewal. We look at one of the most hope-filled chapters in the Bible to see a church that is loved by God and destined for greatness!

In this message we look at a passage on the pursuit of purity. The Psalmist asks "How can a young man keep his way pure?" If your desire is to see your life reflect the holiness of the Lord, but you know it's been far from that recently, we hope this message will give you hope and direction.

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