In this message we look at the great prophet Isaiah's calling by God. He was marked for a life of dedication to the Lord during a vision he had with the Father. One moment with God can forever change our destiny and purpose for living. When we live out the truth of our forgiveness, we're never the same again!

We are living in a confusing time at this moment. We don't know how long our country - let alone the world! - will be shut down while we fight the coronavirus. And yet, there's something solid, something clear that can be found in this confusing time. The good news of Jesus is black & white, even though it's read and proclaimed in the one of the grayest times.

He is Risen! He is Risen, indeed. Hallelujah!! We celebrate the greatest day the world has ever known. In this Easter message, we walk through Psalm 97 and see the sweetest victory.

Good Friday - "It Is Finished"

We love reading books and watching movies with sudden and unexpected twists. But have you ever considered the twist that occurs on Good Friday? Jesus proclaims "It Is Finished". And it sure did look finished. But a whole new beginning was on the horizon...

Maundy Thursday: A Matter of Destiny

Jesus had a destiny to walk out. But that destiny was one that would cost Him everything. In this Maundy Thursday devotion, we consider His devotion to His destiny.

This Palm Sunday message brings hope to those who have walked through difficult times. We are not defined by our problems, but rather by how we walk in the grace of Jesus as we come out of those seasons. We're a lot like King David in that we mess up too. But may we also strive to be like him in his total surrender to the Lord in the aftermath.

In this message we look at the powerful Psalm of prayer, number 84. It's all about the joy and anticipation of getting to the Temple to meet with God! Do we have that today? And are we eager to have an encounter with God in the midst of the congregation? This Psalm is a singing prayer for the people of Israel as they walk to the destination of the meeting with the Lord.

In this online-only message, we look at Ruth and see an incredible woman of God who displays a rarely-applauded value of loyalty. It makes us ask the question, is it always right for us to be loyal to another person? Or are there times we should not be? Considering this topic and studying the Word will enable us to grow stronger in our faith.

The Lord is with us! Even in the dark and concerning times when fear rages and we worry about ourselves and loved ones, our Lord is still in control. In this online-only message, Pastor Brad addresses the COVID-19 challenge by looking at the story of Gideon.

In this message Pastor Brad looked at the Lord's charge to Joshua before Joshua took on the greatest endeavor of his lifetime. Just like Joshua we need to dig deep for courage. It's a choice. And there's a reward for choosing courage when it is not the easy choice. PBK went a little long in this message - he apologizes! - but it might be worth your listen as you consider embracing a courageous calling.

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