When we're overwhelmed with stress and truly feeling like it's just too much, we're oftentimes told "God won't give you more than you can handle." But it seems like He does. And truth is, He never said that. In reality, we are often given more than we can handle alone. But He always offers us His strength in overcoming. And He is always enough.

Our culture today has been enveloped in a Theology of Happiness. It's a belief that we're entitled to being happy and that anything that makes us happy must surely be right. In this message, we look at God's greatest desire for His followers. It's not happiness first, but holiness.

When Family Means Sacrifice

Family is God's appointed governance of earth. And despite all the benefits and joys we receive from family, we're tempted to think about our independence and all that could be if we weren't "held back" by those we love the most. This message looks at the greatest love ever and the Father's sacrificial devotion to family. Our answer to joy and contentment in family is found in Christ's love for us.

Til Death Do Us Part

This message is directed towards those considering dating or marriage. The Lord wants your marriage to be the best it can be. To achieve that, it takes planning, discipline, and courage. Here, Pastor Brad shares five key points for those considering marriage.

When Integrity is Inconvenient

This Father's Day, we look at the Lord's "Man of God Card" from Isaiah 33. We are often faced with decisions in which integrity and convenience are on opposite choices. How do we walk in faithfulness and still trust Jesus for His favor?

Counter-Cultural Class

Our favorite supers (superheros) were asked to cool it and pack it in and act like everyone else. It can feel that way as a follower of Jesus, that the world would rather we just act like it, and not like Christ. We look at Luke 9 and Jesus's words about denying ourselves, taking up our crosses, and following Jesus.

Standing Courageously

We believe the Lord is raising up a generation of radical followers of Jesus who will stand courageously with Him in these days. The Israelites were living in a slave mentality when Joshua & Caleb refused to be shut down. Our Easter reality is that we are victorious and should walk in childlike faith and courage in every assignment we have on earth.

